Our First Adk Summer

Since we plan to arrive as Adirondack full-timers at the beginning of June, it makes sense to be sure to avail ourselves of as much local funnery as possible. Ease the transition. This isn’t so much a round up of Adk festivals and events – we’d need several gigabytes or a few reams of paper to list all that. We’d need a composition notebook for the list of weekly outdoor concerts in Saranac Lake, Lake Placid, and Jay alone. No, these are the events that we specifically have scribbled on our kitchen calendar.

lppalaceWouldn’t be my first choice, but Jonathan loves films, so we’ll undoubtedly end up at a few of these flicks. The Lake Placid Film Forum will be held June 11 to 13, 2009. Films are shown at the Palace Theater and Lake Placid Center for the arts. http://www.lakeplacidfilmforum.com

I Love Barbeque Festival – Now that sounds more my speed. From July 3 to July 5 in Lake Placid at the Olympic Speed Skating Oval on Main Street. It’s a national level barbecue and grilling competition, sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society – music, children’s activities, parties and a celebrity appearance – http://www.ilbbqf.com. Over there early in the day on the 4th, and then back to Saranac Lake for the Great Adirondack Days Arts & Craft Show (on Lake Flower, 10am to 6pm) and then the Independence Day Fireworks, lakeside.

They swim, they bike, they run. It’s Ironman USA Lake Placid 2009 will be held in Lake Placid on July 26. Ah, no. Don’t be silly – I’m not going to be in it. Just going to hang out and be supportive. http://www.ironmanusa.com

fairThe Franklin County Fair will be held August 8 to 16, 2009, and I am really looking forward to this. Besides your usual midway and rides and delicious crappy food, I want to be sure to go to some of the animal and livestock events. Particularly pygmy goats, chickens, and angora rabbits. May have to go several days. Ha! Think they would let us sleep there?

In Malone at the Fair Grounds off Main Street. http://www.frcofair.com/


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7 responses to “Our First Adk Summer

  1. Hi there “almost neighbor!”… dont forget the Essex County Fair,… and there is a neat little museum in Elizabethtown. We’re sure to cross paths at something this summer!

  2. Amy

    Came across your blog. How nice for you to move up to the north country. Where exactly? We lived in Peru, NY for around 3 years and since have relocated ….. to Central PA. I can not tell you how much I miss theADK’s. If you ever get to Peru there is a wonderful farm market up there that is called Rulfs….blueberry picking, strawberries, apples, pumpkins and fresh baked goods. Moving up there at first felt like I was very isolated wasn’t really prepared since we have always been city dwellers but I don’t think I have missed anywhere more than the North Country. We were season skiers at Whiteface. Shopped, ate and enjoyed the natural beauty of Lake Placid and Keene. I always felt like I was on vacation. I’m so glad you will be settling up there. It’s beauty is untouchable. My dream is to buy a few acres in Upper Jay and build a tiny little cabin for the summers. That is my dream. It looks like you are about to live yours. I guess you can’t tell I am a little bit envious of you!!

  3. The donuts at Rulf’s are sublime.

    Located at Exit 35, Fall is Apple-season for most, but you can’t have Cider without donuts.

  4. Apples are one of my favorite things in the world. Our neighbor has a tree that he doesn’t do much with – said I could have all the apple next Fall if I give him a bit of everything I make. LOL Needless to say, cider donuts … or just cider … or just donuts are a few of the all time greatest inventions. We’ll be sure to get up to Exit 35. There’s some legendary place for cider donuts in Saratoga too, but I forget what it is.

  5. One year traveling to Albany for a friend’s bridal shower, I got caught waiting for a long time for all of the Ironmen competitors to go by. Kind of sad since I had sent out all the letters warning the Inn’s guests of the traffic situation to prevent them being stuck in the same situation. Yeah. You only make that mistake once.

    Mmmmmmm. Donuts.

  6. Those Ironmen are crazy! One year we stayed in Lake Placid while they were competing and they partied so hard, loud, late and long on the beach in front of our place we couldn’t get to sleep! I do hope to get up that way this Summer. Thanks for the heads up for when they will be in town! hahaha

  7. It all sounds like so much fun. I would love to go the barbecue festival! Blessings,Kathleen

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